Implementing your Information Security Policy

Your security policy is a key document. You need it:

  • to prove to your clients that you comply with security standards
  • to assess your security maturity level
  • to instil a security culture and good security behavior into your team
  • as a framework to audit your information security organization

Although we are not security guys, many clients ask us to help them write a first version of their security policy and their security process because of our broad culture of digital infrastructure.

Implementing security measures

Zoning, isolation, least privileges and monitoring are still the basic requirements of secured architecture. We offer services to implement them in your network architecture:

  • on traditional network using gateways and firewalls.
  • on SDN Network and cloud, using tagging and layer 2 isolation.
  • on Linux system, implementing SELinux policy

We propose both CLI configurations and automated configuration based on Ansible.

Our combination of skills in data analysis and IT architecture offers you a deeper understanding of logs data of your infrastructure.

We apply established risk management methodologies to assist you in the continuous improvement of your cybersecurity, starting where you are and proceeding step by step.