Keep balanced
You deal both with exciting and promising projects and business-critical systems that have been running maybe for 15 or 20 years. Developping your technology stack in the right direction, making projects happened and maintaining historical assets is a permanent challenge. You must keep balanced and make the right turns.
Negotiate the waves
Any digital product is superseded either by a new version or by a radically different solution every seven years. You must follow the wave pattern, speed up on the right ones and escape the deceiving ones.

Making your most unthinkable technological projects happen
ISITIX assists you to design, implement, deploy the best-in-class technology to achieve your most unthinkable projects. We work to build, secure, operate, monitor your most critical infrastructure. Our core business is the transformation of your infrastructure to integrate the new paradigms of distributed systems and heterogeneous computing.
Our consultants get you where you won't be able to go by yourself. They provide you a major boost to start new projects, and to keep them on track.

Producing high value for fast-changing and medium businesses
Our offer appeals to fast growing companies and medium businesses looking for state-of-the art and affordable expertise. As our team is skillful but small, we focus on small to medium businesses that manage rapid growth, need tangible results and have strong technological expectations.
When we work for big companies, we partner with other technological vendors.

Initiating projects and creating momentum
New solutions are often intimidating and misleading. We help you to instantiate your projects and gain momentum. We enlighten you about the best use cases. Our expertise eases the path to your success. We embrace agile methodologies. Every step forward is valuable and safeguarded.
Our team covers the whole infrastructure stack, with expertise on a broad scope of solutions, which you'll assess in our technical blog.
We are on your side to pick the right solutions, help your team in getting up to speed, and find the stamina to achieve great work. We commit to your achievement in a respectful and trustful relationship with your team and in compliance with professional codes of conduct.
We focus on your priorities, answer your questions to clarify your options, and step aside if necessary. We value sharing knowledge and experiences. We participate, as much as possible, in open source communities. We believe that our success resides in the interrelation between us as a team and the broader software community.
Strategy: edging, sharing and focusing
Staying on the edge of technological changes
We are strongly connected to our professional community. Our experts attend webinars, read publications, and take part in discussion on technical forums. Our employees are technology enthusiasts, with both a strong appetite for innovation and a solid background to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Sharing knowledge
We contribute to free projects. We love to share our know-how with our clients and our community. We look for their valuable feedback. We offer training. Training is a strong incentive to ground our experience, share our know-how and profit by the interaction with students or learners.
Focusing our efforts on our clients core needs
ISITIX offers one-off and advanced technical expertise to his clients, to complete complex projects quickly or overcome a technical barrier. We offer managed services too, when our clients needs are complex but doesn't justify a full-time employee. Our clients are experienced innovation-aware buyers who favors up-and-running solutions.
ISITIX was founded in 2002 by 2 partners.
Mikaël Dautrey
X-Telecom, master of Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom-Paris Tech
Responsible for business development and leads the operational activity with his know-how in the fields of architecture and project management
Véronique de Beaufort
Phd in Pharmacy, MS in mathematics
Brings an external eye on finances and management.